Translation for "acheteurs ou vendeurs" to english
Acheteurs ou vendeurs
Translation examples
Un contrat commercial valide entre acheteur et vendeur.
A valid commercial contract between buyer and seller.
Acheteur et vendeur doivent fixer les normes applicables entre eux.
Specific standards need to be defined between buyer and seller.
Litige commercial entre acheteur et vendeur
Commercial disputes between buyer and seller
Bénis soient ceux qui utilisent ce lieu, acheteurs ou vendeurs, ceux qui respectent la justice, œuvrent pour le bien commun, et contribuent à l'essor de cette ville.
[priest speaking in English] ...use this place either as buyers or sellers that are respecting justice and trying to consider themselves as working for the common good. To find joy in contributing to the progress of the earthly city.
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