Translation for "vodlajärvi" to english
Translation examples
Federaation budjetista saaduilla varoilla rekonstruoitiin Vienanmeren - Itämeren kanavaa, Kizhin ulkomuseon ja Valamon saariston kohteita, Petroskoin konservatoriota, patoja Vama-joella (Vodlajärven tekojärvi Puutosin hallintopiirissä), pystytettiin Karjalan tasavallan korkeimman oikeuden rakennusta.
With attraction of means from the federal budget reconstruction of the White Sea - Baltic channel, Kizhi open air museum, objects of Valaam archipelago, Petrozavodsk conservatory, dams on the Vama river (Vodlozero water basin of Pudozh district), construction of the Supreme Court building of the Republic of Karelia was carried out.
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