Translation for "tuontityyppi" to english
Translation examples
type of import
Maahantuotavien hevoseläinten mukana on seurattava koko kuljetuksen ajan tuontityyppiä vastaava terveystodistusmalli ja asianomaisen jäsenvaltion toimivaltaisen järjestön myöntämä 90/427/ETY mukainen tunnistusasiakirja suomen, ruotsin tai englanninkielellä.
Horses that are imported must be accompanied for the duration of their transport by a health certificate of a model corresponding to the type of import, and an identification document conforming to 90/472/EEC and issued by the competent authority in the Member State concerned in either Finnish, Swedish or English, and, if the destination of the horse is another Member State, also in the official language of the country of destination. A health certificate is issued in the country of origin when an official health inspection is carried out.
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