Translation for "tokamakissa" to english
Translation examples
Tokamak on tavallisin tapa toteuttaa fuusiolaite fuusioreaktoriin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa.
The tokamak has since gone on to become the most studied approach to controlled fusion.
Siellä kehitettiin ensimmäiset tokamak-reaktorit, joista onnistuneimmat olivat T-3 ja T-4.
In particular, the first tokamak systems were developed there, the most successful of them being T-3 and its larger version T-4.
Nimi tokamak tulee venäjän sanoista toroidinen kammio magneettikäämeillä (ven. тороидальная камера с магнитными катушками, toroidalnaja kamera s magnitnymi katuškami).
The word tokamak is a transliteration of the Russian word токамак, an acronym of either: "тороидальная камера с магнитными катушками" (toroidal'naya kamera s magnitnymi katushkami) — toroidal chamber with magnetic coils; or "тороидальная камера с аксиальным магнитным полем" (toroidal'naya kamera s aksial'nym magnitnym polem) — toroidal chamber with axial magnetic field.
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