Translation for "titicacajärven" to english
Translation examples
Terassi, jossa voit nauttia upeista maisemista Titicacajärven.
Terrace where you can enjoy the fantastic view of Lake Titicaca.
* Meidän hostellissa järjestämme retkiä vierailla Titicacajärven Uros, Taquile, Amantani ja muut palvelut hinta on halpa.
* In our hostel we organize tours to visit the islands of Lake Titicaca Uros, Taquile, Amantani and other services the price is cheap.
Toisen myytin mukaan jumala Viracocha loi Manco Cápacin ja Mama Ocllon Titicacajärvellä.
In another origin myth, the sun god Inti ordered Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo to emerge from the depths of Lake Titicaca and found the city of Cuzco.
Tiwanaku Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) Tiwanaku eli Tiahuanaco on muinainen hylätty intiaanikaupunki Boliviassa Titicacajärven rannalla 4 000 metrin korkeudessa.
The Tiwanaku state (Spanish: Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu) was a Pre-Columbian polity in western Bolivia based in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin.
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