Translation for "testamentattiin" to english
Translation examples
Kiinteistö testamentattiin Urantia-säätiölle vuonna 1969.
The entire estate was bequeathed to the Urantia Foundation in 1969.
Hänen herbaarionsa testamentattiin Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenzelle Firenzessä Italiassa.
Barker-Webb's herbarium was bequeathed to the Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze in Florence, Italy.
Taiteilijan lesken Maria Pavlivna Jarošenkon testamentin tahdon mukaisesti taiteilijan taidekokoelma testamentattiin Pultavan kunnalliselle taidegallerialle vuonna 1917.
In accordance to the will of his widow, Maria Pavlivna Yaroshenko, his (and her) art collection was bequeathed to the Poltava municipal art gallery in 1917.
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