Translation for "ternimaitoja" to english
Translation examples
Naturetition-lisäravinteet Ternimaito tarjoaa 650 mg naudan ternimaitoa annosta kohden.
Naturetition Supplements Colostrum provides 650 mg of bovine colostrum per serving.
Miten ottaa Ternimaito
How to Take Colostrum
Alkaen nänni seisoo ternimaitoa.
From nipple stands colostrum.
Vitalin ternimaito tulee Saksasta.
Vital’s colostrum comes from Germany.
NYT Ruoat Ternimaito Yksi markkinoiden parhaista ternimaidon lisäaineista, NOW Foods Colostrum tarjoaa 500 mg ternimaitoa annosta kohden.
One of the best colostrum supplements on the market, NOW Foods Colostrum provides 500 mg of colostrum per serving.
NutriWorth Colostrum tarjoaa 500 mg ternimaitoa annosta kohden.
NutriWorth Colostrum provides 500 mg of colostrum per serving.
Naudan ternimaitoa pidetään yleensä turvallisena.
Bovine colostrum is generally considered safe.
Progressive Labs Colostrum tarjoaa 500 mg naudan ternimaitoa annosta kohden.
Progressive Labs Colostrum provides 500 mg of bovine colostrum per serving.
Lähde Naturals Colostrum -jauhe tarjoaa 2000 mg ternimaitoa per annos.
Source Naturals Colostrum Powder provides 2000 mg of colostrum per serving.
Jo raskauden aikana, naiset jaettiin ternimaitoa.
Even during pregnancy, women were allocated colostrum.
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