Translation for "sykes-picot-sopimus" to english
Translation examples
sykes-picot agreement
Sykes–Picot-sopimus oli Britannian ja Ranskan vuonna 1916 solmima salainen etupiirisopimus.
Sykes-Picot Agreement, a secret 1916 UK-France agreement, where the expression was used.
Osmanien alueiden jaosta oli maailmansodan aikana tehty salaisia sopimuksia kuten Sykes–Picot-sopimus.
Nevertheless, Wilson had no particular problem with the implementation of other secret wartime agreements such as the Sykes–Picot Agreement.
Vuonna 1916 solmittu salainen Sykes–Picot-sopimus jakoi Osmanien valtakunnalta vallattavat alueet Britannian ja Ranskan etupiireihin.
The Sykes–Picot Agreement of 1916 secretly divided the Ottoman Empire lands of Middle East between British and French spheres of influence.
Kuitenkin salainen Ranskan ja Ison-Britannian välinen Sykes–Picot sopimus jakoi itäiset arabialueet näiden kahden suurvallan välillä.
However, in accordance with the secret Sykes–Picot Agreement between Britain and France, General Allenby assigned to the Arab administration only the interior regions of Syria (the eastern zone).
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