Translation for "superaseet" to english
Translation examples
Ota ohjattavaksesi yli 100 suosikkihahmoasi, kuten Iron Man, Hämähäkkimies, Hulk, Kapteeni Amerikka, Wolverine ja monet muut. Sinun on estettävä Lokia ja muita Marvel-pahiksia rakentamasta superasetta, joka pystyisi tuhoamaan koko maailman. Jahtaa kosmisia palikoita (Cosmic Brick) matkatessasi LEGO-maailman Manhattanilla ja vieraillessasi Marvel-universumin tärkeissä paikoissa, kuten Stark Towerissa, asteroidi M:llä, Hydran tukikohdassa ja Ryhmä-X:n kartanossa.
The amazing, the mighty and the uncanny Take control of more than 100 of your favourite characters as Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine and more unite to stop Loki and a host of other Marvel villains from assembling a super-weapon capable of destroying the world. Chase down Cosmic Bricks as you travel across LEGO Manhattan and visit key locations from the Marvel Universe, such as Stark Tower, Asteroid M, a Hydra base and the X-Mansion.
Heidän superaseensa on Chronosphere, jolla voi teleportata mekaanisen yksikön mihin tahansa kartalla.
In Red Alert, the Chronosphere is a mass teleportation super weapon device that can be constructed by the Allies.
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