Translation for "sulle" to english
Translation examples
10 päivän sääennuste: Coxim, Mato Grosso do Sul Brasilia Satelliittikuvat
10-day weather forecasts: Coxim, Mato Gross
Jängän sulia rimpiä hirmupakkasessa, Kautokeino Norja marraskuu 2017
swamp pond water in freezing cold weather, Kautokeino Norway November 2017
Jos se koetaan koriste-elementti tulee sullen ja sitkeä.
If it is perceived as a decorative element, it becomes morose and stubborn.
Jos on annettu topologinen avaruus X, sul
Given a topological space X, a family of closed sets F forms a base for the closed sets if and only if for each closed set A and each point x not in A there exists an element of F containing A but not containing x.
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