Translation for "rikkihappoliuosta" to english
Translation examples
Jos hapon liuos on 1.5 molaarista (M), on sen ekvivalentti konsentraatio eli normaalisuus N M × ekvivalenssi = 1.5 M × 2 eq = 3 N 1.5 M rikkihappoliuosta voidaan kutsua ääneen "kolme normaaliseksi".
Since only 0.5 mol of H2SO4 are needed to neutralize 1 mol of OH−, the equivalence factor is: feq(H2SO4) = 0.5 If the concentration of a sulfuric acid solution is c(H2SO4) = 1 mol/L, then its normality is 2 N. It can also be called a "2 normal" solution.
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