Translation for "refluksi" to english
Translation examples
Refluksi gastriitti ja sen hoito
Reflux gastritis and its treatment
Voiko Acid refluksi vahingot ruokatorvi?
Can Acid Reflux Cause Palpitations?
Acid refluksi reseptiä ja lääkehoito
Acid Reflux Prescription And Medications
Refluksi gastriitti: oireita(merkit) ja käsittely
Reflux gastritis: symptoms(signs) and treatment
Refluksi-esofagiitin ja sen hoidon oireet.
Symptoms of reflux esophagitis and its treatment.
Refluksi gastriitin tyypit, oireet ja hoito
Types, symptoms and treatment of reflux gastritis
Refluksi gastriitti ja sen hoito - Health Tips
Reflux gastritis and its treatment - Health Tips
Terveydenhuollon Product update: "Ruoansulatuskanavan tiede" on lopettanut happo refluksi hoito tuote, se poistettiin Happo refluksi hoito Review.
Healthcare Product update: "Digestive Science" has discontinued their Acid Reflux Treatment product, it was removed from our Acid Reflux Treatment review.
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