Translation for "reaktiosäiliö" to english
Translation examples
Jos käytät suljettua tilaa, kuten reaktiosäiliöitä, vara
If you are entering a confined space, such as reaction tanks, storage tanks or containers, sewers or other underground pipes, underground facilities, agricultural confectionery, railway tankers, shipping cargo tanks, tunnels and other work occasions, we must choose a built-in sampling pump Multi - gas detector.
Jos se on suljetussa tilassa, kuten reaktiosäiliö, varastosäiliö tai kontti
If it is into a confined space, such as reaction tank, storage tank or container, sewer or other underground pipelines, underground facilities, agricultural sealed granary, railway tank car, ship cargo compartment, tunnel and other working places, before the personnel enter, must be tested, and to be tested outside the confined space.At this point, a multigas detector with a built-in sampling pump must be selected.If there are many gases in the environment, choosing a complex gas detector may achieve twice the result with half the effort.
Suljettuihin tiloihin, kuten reaktiosäiliöihin, varastosäiliöihin tai kontteihin, viemäreihin tai muihin maanalaisiin putkistoihin, rautatievaunuihin, laivavarusteisiin, tunneleihin ja muihin työpaikkoihin tulevien työntekijöiden on suoritettava kaasunilmaisu paikan päällä ennen henkilöstön saapumista ja testausta suljetuissa tiloissa.
Workers entering confined spaces, such as reaction tanks, storage tanks or containers, sewers or other underground pipelines, railway tankers, shipping holds, tunnels, and other workplaces must perform on-site gas detection before personnel enter, and Testing outside confined spaces.
Saapuessaan suljettuun tilaan yhteistä happea voidaan myös pitää vaarallisena kaasuna, joka aiheuttaa vaaraa, koska hapen puute voi aiheuttaa ihmisten tukehtumisen ja kuoleman, kun taas ylimääräinen happi voi kiihtyä tai aiheuttaa räjähdyksen tai palamisen. reaktiosäiliö, varastosäiliö tai k
If entering a confined space, our common oxygen can also be regarded as a dangerous gas that causes danger, because a lack of oxygen may cause people to suffocate and die, while an excess of oxygen may accelerate or cause explosion or combustion.For example, reaction tank, storage tank or container, sewer or other underground pipelines, underground facilities, agricultural closed granary, railway tank, ship cargo compartment, tunnel and other work occasions, must be tested before the personnel entering, and to be tested outside the closed space.
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