Translation for "raskaushormoni" to english
Translation examples
Raskaus ja synnytys Mikä on raskaushormoni
Pregnancy and childbirth What is a pregnancy hormone
Tässä vaiheessa virtsassa alkaa näkyä pieniä määriä raskaushormoni hCG:tä.
At this stage tiny amounts of the pregnancy hormone, hCG, start to appear in your urine.
Tämä on raskaushormoni, joka osoittaa naisen kor
This is a pregnancy hormone that shows the presence in the body of a woman's chorionic tissue (that is, the tissue of the germinal lobe).
Keskenmenon tai abortin jälkeen voi kestää enimmillään yhdeksän viikkoa ennen kuin raskaushormoni hCG häviää kehosta.
After a miscarriage or termination, it can take up to 9 weeks for the pregnancy hormone hCG to disappear from the body.
Raskaustestit havaitsevat raskaushormoni hCG:n (istukkagonadotropiini, engl. human Chorionic Gonadotrophin), jota kehosi alkaa tuottaa, kun olet raskaana.
Pregnancy tests pick up on the pregnancy hormone hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin), which your body starts making when you get pregnant.
Vaikka testi havaitsee raskaushormo
Whilst Clearblue Plus Pregnancy test is over 99% accurate at detecting the pregnancy hormone from the day the period is due, it’s possible to get a pregnant result and find out later that you’re not pregnant (i.e., you may later get a not pregnant result, or your period may start). This may be due to natural loss during the early stages of pregnancy, known as ‘early pregnancy loss’, which sadly is not uncommon, as around 1 in 4 pregnancies end in early pregnancy loss.
Voit saada raskaustestistä negatiivisen tuloksen kahdesta syystä: Et ole raskaana tai olet raskaana, mutta teit testin liian varhain, jotta käyttämäsi raskaustesti pystyisi havaitsemaan raskaushormoni hCG:n kehossasi.
You can get a negative result on your pregnancy test for two reasons: You are not pregnant or you are pregnant, but you tested too early for the pregnancy test you used to pick up the hCG ‘pregnancy’ hormone in your body.
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