Translation for "rashtissa" to english
  • rasht
Translation examples
Nadarkhani on ollut vangittuna vuoden 2009 lokakuusta lähtien Rashtin kaupungissa.
Nadarkhani has been imprisoned since October 2009 in the city of Rasht.
Laajasti käytetty mouthwatering makkaroita kaikenlaista, etenkin kuuluisa makkaraa St. Gallenin ja Bern, sekä valtava kahden metrin makkara Zürichin, erinomainen pekonia ja perunoita erityisesti valmistettu "Rasht", joka on parhaiten yhdessä valkoisen makkaran Münchenin "bratvurst."
Widely used appetizing sausages of all kinds, especially famous sausages from the cantons of St. Gallen and Bern, as well as a huge two-meter sausage from Zurich, lovely bacon and specially cooked potato "Rasht", which is best served in combination with white sausage Munich "bratwurst".
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