Translation for "rakensin" to english
Translation examples
21–23. Väisälä, Marja: ”Me rakensimme talon”.
See also footnote 21 therin: "Clark, ‘Building a 21st-Century Navy.’
Minä vain yritin saada hänet kiinni esimerkiksi marengin teosta, rakensin sitä reseptiä hitaasti ja pala palalta kuukausia, ellen jopa vuosia.
I'd just catch her when she was doing some meringue, building up that recipe slowly over a matter of months, if not years."
Rakensimme maajoukkueen fysiikkavalmentajan kanssa ohjelman, jota noudatin", Sammelvuo muisteli Urheilusanomien haastattelussa (12/2014).
One year after the game's release, Sega approached the staff with an offer to co-develop an arcade version of the game for the Sega Naomi (under the title of Rhythm Tengoku: HD Remixed Edition), which was released September 20, 2007.
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