Translation for "professorissa" to english
Translation examples
Professori (Associate Professor) Geoinformatiikka - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Geoinformatics - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Meritekniikka - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Marine Technology - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Materiaalitekniikka - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Engineering Materials - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Biohybrid materials - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Biohybrid materials - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Plant design - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Plant design - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Bioproduct Chemistry - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Bioproduct Chemistry - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Rahoituksen laitos - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Department of Finance - Professors, tenure track
Wesley: Professor Longhair haastattelu.
"Professor Longhair Biography".
Professori Rajalan julkaisuja, TUTKA.
Professor Green, rapper.
Muutoin pelkkä "professori" on titteliksi riittävä myös eläkkeellä olevasta professorista.
A professor is also commonly addressed as "teacher", though "professor" is also accepted as a respectful title.
Professoriksi hän tuli 1972.
He became Professor in 1972.
Professori hänestä tuli 1988.
She became professor in 1988.
Professori Martensin lähtö (vir.
"Review of Professor Martens' Departure".
Hänen setiään olivat anatomian professori Väinö Lassila ja metsäteknologian professori Ilmo Lassila.
His litter was professor of anatomy Väinö Lassila and professor of forest technology Ilmo Lassila.
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