Translation for "professoreistaan" to english
Translation examples
Ei hänen professorit sisälly Goursat, Hadamard, Lebesgue, Emile Picardin ja Poincarén.
There his professors included Goursat, Hadamard, Lebesgue, Emile Picard, and Poincaré .
Kuningas pyytää minua hänen professori, ja mielestäni olen happiest mies maailmassa.
The king calls me his professor, and I think I am the happiest man in the world.
Aluksi hän eteni hyvin, ja hänen professori, Alfred Donné, oli erittäin tyytyväinen hänen kehitykseen.
At first he progressed well and his professor, Alfred Donné, was very pleased with his progress.
Vranceanu oli erittäin katsottava hänen professoria ja 15 päivänä helmikuuta 1922, hän valmistui yliopistosta Iasi.
Vranceanu was very highly regarded by his professors and, on 15 February 1922, he graduated from the University of Iasi.
Mutta asiat eivät mene erityisen hyvin Geöcze sillä hän onnistui pudota hänen professori Julius König.
However, things did not go particularly well for Geöcze for he managed to fall out with his professor Julius König .
Syy, miksi niin perusopiskelijaksi hän laski ulos hänen professori König oli kautta turhautumista hänen vaikeuksissa kommunikoimaan hänen ajatuksiaan.
The reason why as an undergraduate he fell out with his professor König was through frustration at his difficulty communicating his ideas.
Horta menestyi opinnoissaan ja hänen professorinsa Alphonse Balat, joka oli kuningas Leopold II:n hoviarkkitehti, otti hänet avustajakseen.
Horta did well in his studies and was taken on as an assistant by his professor Alphonse Balat, architect to Leopold II of Belgium.
Ystäväni Matt Stone tutkittu julkaisu ja nopeasti hän tajusi, että suurin osa hänen professorit ollut aavistustakaan miten julkaista kirjan
My friend Matt Stone studied publishing and quickly he realized that most of his professors had no clue how to publish a book in practice.
Cartier tuli École Normale supérieure vuonna 1950, kun Henri Cartan oli hänen professori matematiikan ja hän osallistui myös kursseja, joita Laurent Schwartz.
Cartier entered the École Normale Supérieure in 1950 where Henri Cartan was his professor of mathematics and he also attended courses by Laurent Schwartz .
Playfair oli myönnetty apuraha on yliopistossa vuonna 1762, ja hänen aptitude ja voimakkaasti tutkimaan saanut häntä sekä kunnioitus ja ystävyys hänen professorit.
Playfair was awarded a scholarship to the University in 1762, and there his aptitude and keenness to study gained him both the respect and friendship of his professors.
Hän sai professorin arvonimen 1965.
1965 he obtained his professor title.
Moskovaan hän matkusti 20-vuotiaana, koska Šebalinin professori Omskissa oli suositellut tätä näyttämään ensimmäisiä sävellyksiään Nikolai Mjaskovskille ja Reinhold Glièrelle.
He was 20 years old when, following the advice of his professor, he went to Moscow to show his first compositions to Reinhold Glière and Nikolai Myaskovsky.
Professori (Associate Professor) Geoinformatiikka - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Geoinformatics - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Meritekniikka - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Marine Technology - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Materiaalitekniikka - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Engineering Materials - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Biohybrid materials - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Biohybrid materials - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Plant design - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Plant design - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Bioproduct Chemistry - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Bioproduct Chemistry - Professors, tenure track
Professori (Associate Professor) Rahoituksen laitos - Professorit, tenure track
Professor (Associate Professor) Department of Finance - Professors, tenure track
Wesley: Professor Longhair haastattelu.
"Professor Longhair Biography".
Professori Rajalan julkaisuja, TUTKA.
Professor Green, rapper.
Muutoin pelkkä "professori" on titteliksi riittävä myös eläkkeellä olevasta professorista.
A professor is also commonly addressed as "teacher", though "professor" is also accepted as a respectful title.
Professoriksi hän tuli 1972.
He became Professor in 1972.
Professori hänestä tuli 1988.
She became professor in 1988.
Professori Martensin lähtö (vir.
"Review of Professor Martens' Departure".
Hänen setiään olivat anatomian professori Väinö Lassila ja metsäteknologian professori Ilmo Lassila.
His litter was professor of anatomy Väinö Lassila and professor of forest technology Ilmo Lassila.
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