Translation for "poistettaviksi" to english
Translation examples
Valitse poistettavan säännön kohdalla Delete.
In the rule you want to delete, select Delete.
Valitse poistettava kansio.
To delete a file 1.
Valitse poistettava sovellus
Select the application to delete
Etsi poistettava paketti.
Find the bundle you want to delete.
Ne on poistettava erikseen.
You'll have to delete them separately.
Tätä mallinetta on pyydetty poistettavaksi.
The file probably has been deleted.
Valitse poistettava tietokanta ja valitse sitten Poista tietokanta.
Click the database that you want to delete, and then click Delete Database.
Kosketa poistettavan tilin nimeä
Touch the name of the account you want to delete
(2) Vanhentuneet tiedot on poistettava viipymättä.
(2) Outdated data are to be deleted immediately.
Voit kerralla valita useamman kuin yhden tiedoston poistettavaksi.
You may select more than one file to be deleted.
2) rogue luo uusia rekisterimerkintöjä, joka on poistettava.
2) The rogue creates new registry entries which have to be deleted.
Valitse listalta poistettava salasana (1) ja napsauta Remove (2).
Select from the list the password to be deleted (1) and click Remove (2).
Poistettavia kohteita ovat kaikki asiakkaan henkilötietoihin viittaavat linkit, kopiot ja monistukset.
All links, copies and replications of your personal data are to be deleted.
Stephens on poistettava niin pienivain ne saavuttavat 3-4 senttimetriä pituutta.
Stephens need to be deleted as small asonly they will reach 3-4 centimeters in length.
Se tunnistaa kaikki olemassa olevia uhkia ja te tiedätte, mitkä on poistettava.
It will detect all the existing threats and you will know which ones have to be deleted.
Voit yksinkertaisesti valita profiilisi poistettavat viestit; sinulla on pääsy osakkeisiin, valokuviin, sääntöihin jne.
You can simply select the posts to be deleted from your profile; you will have access to shares, photos, statutes, etc.
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