Translation for "pe-" to english
Translation examples
Basic (PE vaipat, normaali imeytyminen)
Basic (PE nappies, normal absorption)
Verollinen kotimarkkinoiden pe
Basic Price Index for Domestic Supply 2015=100 (MIG), including taxes, August 2018
Iranin kauppapaikoissa pe
In Iran’s bazaars, prices for basic foodstuffs and other goods have been rising fast in recent months.
H1-H6 säilyttävät suhteelliset kokosuhteensa pe
H1-H6 keeps their relative sizes compared to the basic text, but most text style definitions are inherited from the element BODY.
Tämä kysely on myös ensimmäinen, jonka pe
This is the first survey based on which the Ministry of Education and Culture allocates part of the basic funding to universities.
Emotionaalinen huolenpito on lasten pe
Emotional care is a basic need of children; if parents or other primary caregivers do not fulfil the child s emotional needs, action must be taken so that the child develops a secure attachment.
Myös opastaminen tilastojen käytössä on pe
Furthermore, advising how to use statistics is one of our basic tasks and during the last few years we have especially invested in young people and collaboration with educational institutions”, says Statistics Finland’s Head of Development Reija Helenius.
Tietoja käytetään yliopistotutkimuksen rakenteen ja kehityksen seurannassa sekä yliopistojen pe
The data are used to monitor the structure and progress in research and as a basis for allocating basic funding for universities.
Koulutamme biolääketieteen ja terveystieteiden asiantuntijoita, mikä mahdollistaa sekä pe
We train specialists in the area of Biomedical and Health Sciences, allowing an update of concepts and knowledge related to both basic and clinical aspects and to the res... [+
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