Translation for "patentoin" to english
Translation examples
Sinac-monitaajuusjärjestelmä käyttää patento
Sinac multi-frequency systems use patented EFD Induction technology to deliver two different frequencies—one high and one low—to one coil at the same time.
Vuonna 1818 baron Karl von Dres patentoitasi keksinnöstään.
In 1818, Baron Karl von Dres patented his invention.
Paino valtaa Capsiplex lepää sen ainutlaatuinen patento
The weight loss energy of Capsiplex relaxes in its unique patented formula that includes Capsicum, Niacin and Piperine together with various other agents.
Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan investointien riittämätön vaikutus tuottavuuden kasvuun ja innovatiivisuuden puute, mikä näkyy eurooppalaisen patentoinni
More specifically, two main reasons for this adverse trend have been analysed: the fact that investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) is not sufficiently translated into productivity gains and a lack of innovative activity as illustrated by the EU's low share of patent and research and development (R
myynyt tuotetta, kertonut siitä lehtiartikkelissa, kokeillut sen toimivuutta julkisella paikalla, levittänyt mainoksia, esitellyt messuilla yms., voi olla, ettei keksintösi ole enää uusi eikä siksi patento
sold the product, published the invention in an article in a journal, tested it in public places, sent out advertisements, demonstrated the invention at fairs etc., this could mean that your invention is no longer new and cannot be patented.
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