Translation for "ovat kaverit" to english
Translation examples
Komea. Nämä ovat kaverit, jotka k
Handsome. These are the guys who focus a lot of attention to their appearance.
Heidän mielessään, ne ovat kaverit, jotka ovat kaiken selville.
In their minds, they are the guys who have it all figured out.
Ovat kaverit näyttävät yleensä paras kaverini, vaikka ne ovat sitoutuneet.
They are the guys who are usually looking for the best companion even when they are committed.
Research Methods kivekset -Nämä ovat kaverit miehen sukuelimiin.Ne o
Research Methods Testicles -These are the guys the male gonads.They are both internal and external gland secretion.Located testicles in a special container, which is called the scrotum, and separated from each other by a partition.The functioning of the testes is closel... Continue Reading 23 April
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Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Woman dating a man 7 years younger imdb Then there are the guys that have been divorced for 10 yrs or so.
Kehonrakennus markkinarako on merkittävä ja myös, on miesvaltainen urheilu, kuten odottaa, suurin osa CrazyBulk asiakkaat ovat kaverit.
The bodybuilding niche is substantial and, being a male dominated sport, as you would expect, the majority of CrazyBulk consumers are guys.
Kehonrakennus markkinarako on valtava sekä, että mies ohjattu urheiluun, kuten varmasti ennakoida, useimmat CrazyBulk kuluttajat ovat kaverit.
The body building niche is substantial and, being a man dominated sport, as you would certainly expect, most CrazyBulk consumers are guys.
Kehonrakennus markkinarako on valtava ja myös, että mies ohjattu urheiluun, kuten odottaa, useimmat CrazyBulk asiakkaat ovat kaverit.
The bodybuilding specific niche is big and, being a male controlled sport, as you would expect, the majority of CrazyBulk clients are guys.
Laitoksen rakentaminen markkinarako on merkittävä sekä, että mies ohjattu urheiluun, kuten varmasti odottaa, useimmat CrazyBulk kuluttajat ovat kaverit.
The body building niche is huge and, being a man controlled sport, as you would expect, most of CrazyBulk customers are guys.
Kehonrakennus markkinarako on merkittävä ja myös, on mies hallitsee urheiluun, kuten varmasti ennakoida, useimmat CrazyBulk asiakkaat ovat kaverit.
The body building niche is significant and, being a male dominated sport, as you would certainly expect, most CrazyBulk consumers are guys.
Lihaksen rakennuksen markkinarako on valtava sekä, että mies hallinnassa urheilu, kuten varmasti odottaa, useimmat CrazyBulk asiakkaat ovat kaverit.
The muscle building niche is huge and, being a man controlled sporting activity, as you would expect, most CrazyBulk clients are guys.
Laitoksen rakentaminen markkinarako on valtava ja myös, että mies ohjattu urheiluun, kuten varmasti odottaa, useimmat CrazyBulk asiakkaat ovat kaverit.
The muscle building niche is big and, being a male dominated sport, as you would expect, most CrazyBulk customers are guys.
Laitoksen rakentaminen erityiset kapeat on merkittävä ja myös, on miesvaltainen urheiluun, kuten varmasti odottaa, useimmat CrazyBulk asiakkaat ovat kaverit.
The bodybuilding particular niche is significant and, being a male controlled sport, as you would anticipate, most CrazyBulk customers are guys.
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