Translation for "opiskelijava-" to english
Translation examples
Tiedekunnat ovat vastuussa opiskelijava- mukaisesti johtosäännössä.
The faculties are responsible for selecting students, in accordance with university regulations.
Alkuvaiheessa painotettiin erityisesti opiskelijav
The main focus lay initially on student exchanges.
College on suuri kampuksella, joten opiskelijava
College has a great campus, so student exchanges are available.
AFDA Kansainväliset opiskelijat nykyisin seuraavat 10 - 20% koko opiskelijav
AFDA International students currently comprise 10 – 20% of the total student population and enjoy the benefits of malaria-free campus locations and world-class facilities, Southern Africa’s natural beauty and wildlife, favourable exchange rates as well as our historical reflections.
17. vuosisadan loppuun mennessä löydämme termin "vapaamuurari" jo yleisessä käytössä, kuten monet aikakauden tekstit ja opiskelijavitsi Dublinin Trinity Collegessa 1688 osoittavat.
By the end of the 17th century, we find the term Freemason already generally in use, as shown by several texts from the period and by a student joke at Trinity College in Dublin in 1688.
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