Translation for "on korkeimmillaan" to english
On korkeimmillaan
Translation examples
Valtamerien pinta on korkeimmillaan.
The surface of the oceans is at its highest.
Digitaalinen darvinismi on korkeimmillaan vähittäiskaupassa.
Digital darvinism is at its highest in retail business.
Talouden ilmapiiriä kuvaava indikaattori on korkeimmillaan sitten vuoden 2000.
Economic sentiment is at its highest since 2000.
Eli kun vesi on korkeimmillaan ja pienin.
That is when the water is at its highest and lowest.
Isoisien osuus on korkeimmillaan 70-vuotiailla miehillä.
The proportion of grandfathers is at its highest for men aged 70.
Äänestysprosentti on korkeimmillaan 70-vuotiaiden ryhmässä (82,3 %).
The voting percentage is at its highest in the group of persons aged 70 (82.3%).
Verenpaine on korkeimmillaan, kun sydämen lyöntiä, pumppaus ulos verta.
Blood pressure is at its highest when the heart beats, pumping out blood.
Sen seurauksena ilmakehän hiilidioksidipitoisuus on korkeimmalla tasollaan 15-20 miljoonaan vuoteen (Tripati 2009).
As a consequence, atmospheric CO2 is at its highest level over the past 800,000 years (Brook 2008).
Lounas voi merkitä keskipäivää, eli aikaa, jolloin aurinko on korkeimmillaan.
The word "meridian" refers to the hour of noon — the time of day when the sun is at its highest point.
Koskinen joki soveltuu retkeilyyn varsinkin kesäkuussa, jolloin vedenpinta on korkeimmillaan.
The lake was popular among divers who could observe the green meadows in the edge zone of the lake particularly in June when the water is at its highest.
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