Translation for "odottavissa" to english
Translation examples
Sinulle - Odottava isä!
For you, expecting father!
Asiakkaasi odottavat enemmän.
Your customers expect more.
Lahja odottaville vanhemmille
Gift for expectant parents
Naiset odottavat vauvaa.
Women expecting a baby.
Odottaa, niin kuin jäätyneet huonekalut odottavat
Expects, the way frozen furniture expects
Kansalaisemme odottavat sitä.
This is what our citizens expect.
Lahja odottaville vanhemmille, syntymä
Gift for expectant parents, birth
vanhemmat, jotka odottavat lasta
parents who are expecting a child
Tätä he odottavat sinulta.
Here’s what they expect from you.
He odottavat ensimmäistä lastaan.
They are expecting their first child.
Vappu saa tietää odottavansa lasta.
She tells Rafe they are expecting a child.
Yksinäisille, odottaville äideille järjestettiin tukikoteja.
Even productions aimed at foetuses and expectant mothers have been created.
Samalla pariskunta ilmoitti odottavansa ensimmäistä lastaan.
She added that they were expecting their first child.
Hän saa kuitenkin tietää odottavansa kaksosia.
They later found out they were expecting twin girls.
Beyoncé ilmoitti helmikuussa 2017 odottavansa kaksosia.
In October 2017, the couple announced they were expecting twins.
Vuonna 2017 he ilmoittivat odottavansa lasta.
In November 2017, they announced they are expecting a child together.
Marraskuussa 2010 hän kertoi odottavansa kolmatta lastaan.
As of November 2013, they were expecting their third child.
Huhtikuussa 2018 Harris ilmoitti odottavansa toista lastaan.
In August 2018, Aldridge announced that they were expecting their second child.
18. joulukuuta 2015 pari ilmoitti odottavansa tyttövauvaa.
It was announced on October 26, 2015, that they were expecting a baby.
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