Translation for "neurologian" to english
Translation examples
Opetushenkilöstö / Neurologian klinikka
Meeting program / Neurology
Diagnostiset menetelmät neurologian
Diagnostic methods in neurology
LL, neurologian erikoislääkäri.
Med., Specialist in Neurology.
Huikea pää on neurologian.
The loose head is neurology.
Ensinnäkin se koskee neurologiaa:
First of all, it concerns neurology:
Yleinen neurologian ja terveyden tukeminen.
General neurological and health support.
Opiskelija hallitsee neurologian perustiedot.
Objectives The student masters the foundations of neurology.
Neurologian oireet ja niiden tutkiminen/testaus.
Neurological symptoms and their examination/testing.
Tutkinto käsitteli neurologiaa.
The patient then takes a neurological exam.
Kallon sisäiset sairaudet Neurologiaa eläinlääkäreille.
Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists.
Hän on ollut Oulun yliopiston neurologian professori 1989.
He became Emeritus Professor of Neurological Surgery in 1989.
Neuropsykiatria on useimmiten psykiatrian tai neurologian suppea erikoisala.
Motor control as a field of study is primarily a sub-discipline of psychology or neurology.
Hän toimi Wienin yliopiston lääketieteellisessä tiedekunnassa psykiatrian ja neurologian professorina 1930-luvulla.
He was a psychiatric consultant at the Royal Victoria Hospital and Neurological Institute in the late 1960s.
Behaviorismi tarjosi tavan ohjata oppimisprosessia ulkoapäin fysiologiaan ja neurologiaan pohjautuen.
In conclusion, the CAS will increase its reach as a system for assessment of intelligence in keeping up with advances in psychological and neurological foundations of cognitive functions.
Vuonna 1969 hänet nimitettiin Turun yliopiston neurologian professoriksi ja yliopistollisen keskussairaalan neurologisen osaston johtajaksi.
In 2012 he was appointed full professor in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience and the Department of Neurology at the Karolinska University Hospital.
Charcot’n vaikutus veti häntä neurologiasta psykologiaan, ja hän kuunteli ilmeisen innostuneena Charcot’n luentoja.
However, the spell of the charismatic Charcot was strong and he quickly switched his practice to neurology, and even adopted Charcot’s showmanship for teaching his classes.
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