Translation for "nerous" to english
Translation examples
Koska nerous alkaa?
When does genius begin?
Patricia Kuhl: Vauvojen kielellinen nerous
The linguistic genius of babies
Löydä luova nerous jokaisesta.
Find the creative genius in every student.
Nerous ei tuhoa, vaan luo uutta.
Genius does not destruct, but creates.
Itse asiassa, mitä on nerous?
As a matter of fact, what is such genius?
Ero tyhmyys ja nero on, että nerous on rajansa.
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
Ihmisen nerous ja työ ov
Man’s genius and labor have conquered the forces of nature and harnessed the lightning and the air to the service of humanity.
Mitren suhtautuvat toisiinsa nerous ja pahanteko, voivatko nerot olla pahoja?
How do relate genius and illdoing, may geniuses be bad?
He uskoivat, että nerous on jokin taianomainen jumalainen entiteetti,
They believed that a genius was this, sort of magical divine entity,
Nimitystä "insinööri", joka tulee latinan sanasta ingenium = nerous tai nerouden tuote, keksintö, oli jo keskiajalla käytetty taitavista arkkitehdeista.
The name "engineer", which comes form the Latin word ingenium = "genius" or "a product of genius", "invention", had already been used in the Middle Ages for skilful architects.
Online peli: Nerous Online
Online game: Wizardry Online
Maganic Wars Nerous duel käyttämällä kortteja, joihin on...
Maganic Wars Wizardry duel using cards that relied on strategy...
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