Translation for "napasäde" to english
Translation examples
Jos Maa olisi homogeeninen, termi olisi yhtä suuri kuin sen kolmannen eksentrisyyden neliö, e ″ 2 = a 2 − c 2 a 2 + c 2 {\displaystyle e''^{2}={\frac {\mathrm {a} ^{2}-\mathrm {c} ^{2}}{\mathrm {a} ^{2}+\mathrm {c} ^{2}}}} missä a on päiväntasaajan säde (6 378 137 m) and c napasäde (6 356 752 m), jolloin e2 = 0.003358481.
If Earth were homogeneous the term would equal its third eccentricity squared, e ″ 2 = a 2 − c 2 a 2 + c 2 {\displaystyle e''^{2}={\frac {\mathrm {a} ^{2}-\mathrm {c} ^{2}}{\mathrm {a} ^{2}+\mathrm {c} ^{2}}}} where a is the equatorial radius (6378137 m) and c is the polar radius (6356752 m), so e2 = 0.003358481.
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