Translation for "muoviteknologiaa" to english
Translation examples
Asiakas sai puolestaan vapautettua tilaa uusille muoviteknologian investoinneilleen, jotka nostivat kapasiteettia ja paransivat kilpailukykyä. Luopumalla tehokkuutta
The client, in turn, now had space available for new investments in plastics technology, which increased their capacity and improved their competitiveness.
ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group kuuluu autovalmistaja Continentalin ContiTech-nimiseen divisioonaan. ContiTech on yksi maailman johtavista teknisten kumituotteiden muoviteknologian osaajista. ContiTech kehittää
The ContiTech Conveyor Belt Group, a business unit under the ContiTech Division of the automotive supplier Continental AG, is one of the world's leading suppliers of technical rubber products and is a specialist for plastics technology. The division develops and produces functional parts, components and systems for the automotive industry and other important industries.
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