Translation for "moni" to english
Translation examples
Moni ei jaksa mennä niihin; ja moni kuolisi ennemmin.
Many can't go there; and many would rather die.
Kuinka moni on tuhottu, kuinka moni tulee menemään helvettiin?
How many have been destroyed, how many will go to hell?
Kuinka moni niistä on totta ja kuinka moni valhetta?
How many of them are true and how many of them are untrue?
Moni opettaja pakeni.
Many teachers fled.
Ja moni uskoi.
And many believed.
Yhteiskunnassamme moni on pettynyt. Liian moni katsoo tulevaan peloissaan.
In our society, many have been disappointed and too many are scared about the future.
kuinka moni ihminen
around how many people
Kuinka moni teistä
How many of you
Kuinka moni kuuntelee?
How many will listen?
Moni yritti paeta.
Many tried to run.
Moni pettyi näkemäänsä.
Many were disillusioned.
Moni joutui ammutuksi.
But many people were shot.
Monikaan ei ole hyväksynyt.
Many others did not.
Moni ei koskaan palannut.
Many never came back.
Moni myös haavoittui vakavasti.
Many people were also seriously injured.
Moni esiintymisistä on festivaaleilla.
Many people come to in this festival.
Moni taidemaalari on kuvannut maalauksissaan unia.
Many pocked dreams.
Moni kaatuu taistelussa kummallakin puolella.
Many fell on both sides.
Moni kritisoi tällaista kaupankäyntiä.
Many people criticize various aspects of this speculation.
Moni pakeni kaupungeista maaseudulle.
Many of them left the town for countryside.
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