Translation for "meningokokkitautia" to english
Translation examples
voi saalis taudista, jos puhuit potilaille, jotka ovat jo alkaneet antibiootteja.Lisäksi, jos sinä tai lapsesi kosketukseen mies, joka muutama päivä myöhemmin oli diagnosoitu "meningokokkitautia" tai "meningokokki aivokalvontulehdus," että on kiireesti ehkäisy - huumeit
can not catch the disease if you talked to patients who have already started antibiotics.In addition, if you or your child is contacted with a man who a few days later was diagnosed with "Meningococcal disease" or "meningococcal meningitis," that there is an urgent prevention - drugs "spiramycin", "Azithromycin" or even "Ciprofloxacin".They reduce the chances of getting almost to zero, if not older than 10 days from the moment of contact with the patient.
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