Translation for "matematiikanopettajaa" to english
Translation examples
mathematics teachers
Hän oli isänsä, matematiikanopettaja Grigory Dobzhanskyn ja äitinsä Sofia Voinarskan ainoa lapsi.
His father, Grigory Dobzhansky, was a mathematics teacher, and his mother was Sophia Voinarsky.
Hänen isänsä on fyysikko, ja hänellä on kolme veljeä, joista kaksi on matematiikanopettajia.
His father is a physicist and he has three brothers, two of whom are mathematics teachers.
Mustafa opiskeli Selânikissa, jossa hänen matematiikanopettajansa antoi hänelle nimen Kemal (täydellisyys) hänen menestyksensä ansiosta.
Young Mustafa studied at the military junior high school in Salonica (Salonica Military School), where his mathematics teacher Captain Üsküplü Mustafa Sabri Bey gave him the additional name "Kemal" ("perfection") because of his student's academic excellence.
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