Translation for "listautuminen" to english
Translation examples
Listautuminen muita suosittuja resursseja
Listing on other popular resources
Listautuminen Nasdaq Helsingin pörssilistalle | Nixu Cybersecurity.
Listing on the Official List of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd | Nixu Cybersecurity.
Näin yhtiöille tuodaan listautuminen mahdoll
This way, listing on a multilateral trading facility is made possible for companies even a bit earlier and more cost-efficiently than people in Finland are used to.
2014 BRAAS MONIER BUILDING GROUP -konsernin listautuminen Frankfurtin pörssiin
Listing of BRAAS MONIER BUILDING GROUP on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Yhtiön listautuminen ja velkojen akordi on laskenut lähitulevaisuuden rahoitusriskiä.
The company’s listing and debt accord have lowered the near future financial risk.
Translinkin johtama listautuminen toi merkittävää lisäarvoa FIT Biotechin osakkeenomistajille.
Listing process led by Translink created significant value to the shareholders of FIT Biotech.
Lähivuosien suunnitelmiin kuuluu myös mahdollinen listautuminen Nasdaq First Northiin.
The plans for the next few years include a possible listing to Nasdaq First North.
Mikäli Optio-oikeuksien listautuminen toteutuu, ensimmäinen kaupankäyn
If the listing of the Warrants occurs, the Company expects trading to commence on First North Sweden and on First North Finland approximately during week 1, 2016.
Essityn listautuminen on seurausta SCA Groupin päätöksestä jakaa konserni kahte
The listing of Essity follows the decision to split the SCA Group into two independent listed companies; the forest products company SCA, and the leading global health and hygiene company Essity.
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