Translation for "kasvuindeksi" to english
Translation examples
Määritä kasvuindeksi, asetaalkuarvot: indikaattori tarkasteltavan
To determine the growth index, set theInitial values: the indicator at the beginning of the considered or past period, which is called the baseline, and the value at the current or other date determined for comparison, which will serve as the reporting level of the dynamics.
Laskentakaava voidaan esittää seuraavasti: Un = N1 / N0, missä Nn on kasvuindeksi, N1 on raportointikauden indikaattori, N0 on perusjakson indikaattori.
The calculation formula can be represented as follows: Un = N1 / N0, where Nn is the growth index, N1 is the indicator of the reporting period, N0 is the indicator of the base period.
Kasvuindeksi osoittaa, kuinka monta kertaa kohteen tai ilmiön kvantitatiivinen ominaisuus on muuttunut analysoidulla ajankohdalla verrattuna kauden alkuun tai aikaisempaan ajankohtaan.
The growth index shows how many times the quantitative characteristic of an object or phenomenon has changed on the analyzed date in comparison with the beginning of a period or a different date in the past.
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