Translation for "kas" to english
  • why!
  • well!
  • look!
Translation examples
Kassalle miksi ei onnistunut?
Checkout Why not successful?
Miksi AYT-kassa perustettiin?
FAQ Why was AYT established?
Miksi verkkokaupan kassa ei käy?
Why is e-commerce facing problems?
Miksi luotto-/pankkikorttini hylättiin kassalla?
Why was my credit/debit card declined at checkout?
Kas tässä - Normann Copenhagenin Lighthouse-lyhty.
This is why i love my job.
Kas noin, nyt olette vastannut maljaani.
Why, now you have done me right.
Miksen löydä omaa maatani kassalla?
Why can't I find my country on the checkout page?
Kas niin, joko haastat?
Well, then what?
Kas tässä on toinen.
Well, tell it me.
Kas tuossa hän on!
Well, you have seen him!
Kas, tyttö, ratkaisit sen,
Well, girl, you solved it
Kas, aika samoin fiiliksin.
Thanks for the tutorial as well.
Kas sitä minä en pelkää.
Well, I am alone.
Kas tuossa, on konjakkipullo.
Well, that will make the rest easy.
Partikkelit voidaan jakaa konjunktioihin (esimerkiksi että, jotta, koska, kun, vaikka) ja interjektioihin eli huudahdussanoihin (esimerkiksi hei, oh, kas).
Examples of discourse markers include the particles oh, well, now, then, you know, and I mean, and the discourse connectives so, because, and, but, and or.
Kuninkaan tuki ja valtiovarain kassasta maksetut "vaaliavustukset" riittivät yleensä hallitukselle tarpeellisen enemmistön saamiseen, mutta nyt Pittillä oli todellista kansansuosiotakin.
Patronage and bribes paid by the Treasury were normally expected to be enough to secure the Government a comfortable majority in the House of Commons but on this occasion the government reaped much popular support as well.
Kirjan nimi tulee Reino Helismaan säveltämästä ja sanoittamasta ja Tapio Rautavaaran esittämästä kappaleesta ”Päivänsäde ja menninkäinen”, jossa lauletaan: ”Kas, menninkäinen ennen päivän laskua ei voi / milloinkaan elää päällä maan.”
The name of the book as well as the names of it chapters are taken from a Finnish song Päivänsäde ja Menninkäinen by Tapio Rautavaara and Reino Helismaa, which says "Kas, menninkäinen ennen päivänlaskua ei voi milloinkaan olla päällä maan" (translated "A troll cannot ever stay above the ground before sundown").
Homeroksen Iliaan alku ja sen suomennos samassa runomitassa: μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος οὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί’ Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε’ ἔθηκε, πολλὰς δ’ ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Ἄϊδι προΐαψεν ἡρώων, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἑλώρια τεῦχε κύνεσσιν οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι, Διὸς δ’ ἐτελείετο βουλή, ἐξ οὗ δὴ τὰ πρῶτα διαστήτην ἐρίσαντε Ἀτρεΐδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν καὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς. mēnin a|eide the|a Pē|lēïade|ō Akhi|lēos ūlomenēn, | hē myri’ A|khaiois | alge’ e|thēke, pollas | d’ ifthi|mūs psy|khas Aϊ|di proï|apsen hērō|ōn, au|tūs de he|lōria | teukhe ky|nessin oiō|noisi te |pasi, Di|os d’ ete|leieto | būlē, eks hū | dē ta | prōta di|astē|tēn eri|sante Atreï|dēs te a|naks and|rōn kai | dios A|khilleus.  |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |  Laulaos, | oi runo|tar, viha | Peleun | poian A|khilleun turmio|kas, mi a|khaijeja | löi luke|mattomin | tuskin, monta mi | Hadeen | luo väki|voipaa | sielua | syöksi sankari|en, heist' | itses|tään teki | koirien | riistan, lintujen | eineen | — Zeun sepä | täyttihe | neuvo ja | päätös, kerta kun | ensis|tään sopu|rikkoon | Atreun | poika, miesten | valtias, | riitau|tui sekä | aimo A|khilleus.  |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |  Vergiliuksen Aeneiksen alku ja sen suomennos samassa runomitassa: Arma vi|rumque ca|no, Tro|iae qui | primus ab | oris Itali|am, fa|to profu|gus, Lavi|niaque | venit litora, | multum il|le et ter|ris iac|tatus et | alto vi supe|rum sae|vae memo|rem Iu|nonis ob | iram; Taistelut | kerron ja | sen, mikä | mies pako|laisena | Troijan mailtaan | Itali|aan tuli | kohtalon | tuomana | ensin, paljon | kärsiä | sai ula|palla ja | maissa, kun | taivas vaati ja | leppymä|tön oli | Junon | kauhea | kiukku.
And by these are meant, not the dead, whose souls are in hell, for to them, there, the Gospel never was, nor never will be preached, nor they saved, as Origen, and his followers, have vainly thought: nor the deceased patriarchs, before the coming of Christ, whose souls, by the Papists, are said to be in "Limbus", whither Christ, they say, went upon his death, and preached to them, and delivered them; but these never were in any such place, but in peace and rest; nor did Christ, in his human soul, descend thither, but went to paradise: nor the dead in general, before the apostle's writing of this epistle; for though the Gospel had been preached from the beginning, from the fall of Adam, to certain persons, and at certain periods of time, yet not to all the individuals of mankind who were then dead, especially in the Gentile world; nor the Old Testament saints in general, who were now dead, though they had the Gospel preached to them in types and figures, in promises and prophesies; nor the men in the times of Noah, to whom the Gospel was preached by him, and who, some of them, as supposed, though they were judged and punished in their bodies in the view of men, being drowned in the waters of the flood, yet repenting and believing, upon Noah's preaching to them, they live in their spirits in eternal life, according to the free mercy and grace of God; but though the Gospel was preached to them, yet they remained disobedient to it, even all of them, but Noah's family, for anything that appears; and are styled the world of the ungodly, and are now spirits in the prison of hell, and therefore cannot be said to live according to God in the Spirit: but such are intended, to whom the Gospel had been preached, and to whom it had been effectual unto salvation; who had received it in the love of it, had sincerely professed it, and had suffered for it even death itself; such are designed who had suffered in the flesh, or were dead in their bodies, (1 Peter 4:1) who either were dead in the Lord, or especially had suffered death for his sake, as Stephen and others: and this, with what follows, is mentioned with a general view to encourage the saints to patient suffering for Christ; to fortify them against the ill opinion and judgment the world have formed of them; and to assure them, that Christ will judge his people, both quick and dead, and avenge their cause, since the Gospel has been preached to one as well as to another, and attended with the same power. that they might be judged according to men in the flesh; meaning, either that such persons that receive and profess the Gospel, and suffer for it, are judged according to the judgment of men that are in the flesh, in an unregenerate estate, that is, carnal men, to be a strange and unaccountable sort of people, as in ( 1 Peter 4:4 ) to receive such a strange set of notions, so strenuously to contend for them, and so constantly to abide by them, and to debar themselves of so many pleasures of life, and expose themselves to so much reproach and shame, to such dangers, and even to death itself: while they are judged to be by these men enthusiasts, madmen and fools; and at other times to be knaves and villains, hypocrites and deceivers; and this is the common effect of the Gospel being preached and coming with power to any; see ( 1 Corinthians 4:3 ) or the sense is, that such persons, according to men, or in their apprehensions, are judged of God, or have the judgments of God inflicted on them in their flesh, in their bodies, for some sins of theirs; and therefore they suffer what they do in the flesh, vengeance pursuing them; being ignorant that when they are judged, as they reckon it, they are only chastened by the Lord in a fatherly way, that they might not be eternally condemned with the world, ( 1 Corinthians 11:32 ) or else to complete the sense, for all may be taken into it, these persons, who were formerly alive, but now dead, and had embraced and professed the Gospel preached to them, were judged and condemned, and put to death in the flesh, according to the will of wicked men, and which was all that they were capable of; but live according to God in the Spirit; Though this was their case, though they were thus judged, censured, and condemned, yet while they were here on earth, the Gospel preached to them had such an effect upon them, as to cause them to live spiritually, to live by faith on Christ, to live a life of holiness from him, and communion with him, and to live according to the will of God, in righteousness and true holiness; and now, though dead in their bodies, they live in their spirits or souls an eternal life of comfort, peace, pleasure, and happiness with God, according to his eternal purpose, unchangeable covenant, promise, grace, and love.
Kas, hän miettii.
Look, he meditates.
Pitääkin yrittää kas...
Looked for yea...
Kas, onko siinä Daniel Craig?:)
Look, is that Daniel Craig?:)
On tärkeää, että kas
It is important that the plant drew attentionIt looked favorably on a background of stones.
Katso myymälöissä, onko kassalla jokin näistä symboleista.
In stores, look for one of these symbols at checkout.
Seisot ruokakaupan kassajonossa. Katsot kassan takana roikkuvia arpoja.
You’re at the convenience store. You look up.
"Kas, tuossa yksi meikäläisiä." "Mitä tarkoitatte sillä?"
"What do you mean?" said Gilderman, forbearing to look at him.
Anna aivojen levätä välillä ja kas, ideat lentävät taas!
Let your brain rest and look – ideas fly again!
Voit vain Selaa App kassaan ja Etsi SuperSU.
You can just scroll to your App drawer and look for SuperSU.
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