Translation for "kahdeksanvuotias" to english
  • eight-year-old
Translation examples
Joojakin oli kahdeksanvuotias, kun hän alkoi
Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to
Kaikki alkoi, kun hän oli kahdeksanvuotias.
It all began when he was eight years old.
Joojakin oli kahdeksanvuotias, kun hän alkoi reign.l |
Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign.l |
Naapurustollesi olet kahdeksanvuotias Billy Blaze, lapsinero.
You are eight-year-old Billy Blaze, boy genius to your neighborhood.
Tai on oman yhteisönsä ensimmäinen kahdeksanvuotias, joka on oppinut lukemaan thai-kie
Tai is the first eight-year-old in her community who has learned to read Thai.
00:00:25.500,00:00:28.721 Kun olin pieni lapsi, seitsemän- tai kahdeksanvuotias.
00:00:25.500,00:00:28.721 When I was a little kid, like seven or eight years old,
Minunkin oli se opittava, mutta _minä_ olin vasta kahdeksanvuotias, kun sain kouluutukseni.
I hed to learn too, but I wasn't more than eight years old when I got my schoolin'."
Tämän toteamuksen totuudellisuuden kokeminen alkoi ollessani kahdeksanvuotias, ja se jatkuu yhä.
The experience of the truth of this statement began when I was eight years old and continues to this day.
Kun olin kahdeksanvuotias, isäni vei minut Calmecaciin, temppelikouluun eikä tavalliseen sotureiden kouluun.
When I was eight years old, my father sent me to the calmecac, the temple school, not to the ordinary warrior school.
Hänen isänsä kuoli hänen ollessaan kahdeksanvuotias.
His father died when he was eight years old.
Hänen vanhempansa erosivat hänen ollessaan kahdeksanvuotias.
His parents separated when he was eight years old.
Ensimmäisen tapponsa Bane tekee ollessaan kahdeksanvuotias.
Roach first met his father when he was eight years old.
Perhe muutti Macerataan, kun hän oli kahdeksanvuotias.
Her family moved to Seattle when she was eight years old.
Hänen perheensä muutti Teignmouthiin hänen ollessaan kahdeksanvuotias.
The family moved to Hertfordshire when she was eight years old.
Hänen isänsä jätti perheen hänen ollessaan kahdeksanvuotias.
His father abandoned the family when he was seven or eight years old.
Kate menetti raa'asti vanhempansa autokolarissa ollessaan kahdeksanvuotias.
His mother died in a road accident when he was eight years old.
Tarinan alussa kahdeksanvuotias Jodie asuu vanhempiensa luona.
The main protagonist Joey is an eight-year-old boy who lives with his single mother.
Anthonyn äiti, jonka etunimi ei ole tiedossa, menehtyi hänen ollessaan kahdeksanvuotias.
His mother, maiden name Paddington, died when he was eight years old.
Lordi Byron kuoli Kreikassa, kun Ada oli kahdeksanvuotias.
He died of disease in the Greek War of Independence when Ada was eight years old.
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