Translation for "joitko" to english
Translation examples
Seuraavassa on joit
Here are some examples of personal data we may collect:
Kuten olemme kokeneet joit
As we have experienced some damage from guests, we are now requiring a $100. security deposit.
Jatkuvasti muistaa juoda joit
Constantly keep in mind to consume some quantities of water to ensure that it will certainly aid fasten the dissolving process.
Delay työasema on koottu joit
The Delay Workstation brings together some of Keeley’s finest reverb and delay effects that they have to offer.
Kyllä tämä tarkoittaa tarkalleen mielestäni, ei tarvitse noudattaa joit
Yes this means what you specifically assume, you do not need to comply with some fancy diet plan or hit the gym each day.
Niin paljon kuin ainesosat ovat täysin luonnollisia voit kokea joit
As much as the ingredients are all-natural you can experience some mild side effects like headaches and stomach aches depending on your health.
Tämä ei ole tavallaan haastavia keinoja enää etsiä joit
This is not kind of hard means any longer to try to find some information, now; we have the concepts ways to figure out the most effective Anavar information finished with the lists.
Online dating on todella blossomed viime vuosina ansiosta muuttaminen maku joit
Online dating has really blossomed in the last few years thanks to changing taste some very effective advertising and acceptance by the general public.
ISO on kuitenkin asetuksen (EU) N:o 73/2010 antamisen jälkeen tarkistanut joit
However, since the adoption of Regulation (EU) No 73/2010, the ISO has revised and re-numbered some of these standards.
Hallittu kromatiikka on kuitenkin joittenkin raagojen esityksessä sallittua.
Horseback riding is allowed on some of the trails.
Pelissä on yhteensä 25 erilaista heroa, joitten ensisijainen ammatti vaihtelee kuten pelaajillakin.
There are twenty-five main stages in the game, with some variation possible in how the stages are played.
Heikki Wariksen määritelmän mukaan: »Asuntopolitiikka sisältää ne sosiaalipoliittiset pyrkimykset ja toimenpiteet, joitten tarkoituksena on turvata kohtuullinen asuntotaso ja viihtyvyys eri yhteiskuntaryhmille, perheille ja yksilöille, erityisesti vähäosaisten asemaa ja turvaa parantamalla.»
We are thus deeply disturbed and saddened by calls made by some members of the Catholic Church to reject a proposed legislation that promises to improve the wellbeing of Filipino families, especially the lives of women, children, adolescents, and the poor".
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