Translation for "isomeraasi" to english
Translation examples
Ultrasonic jälkikäsittely – poisto Solunsisäisten komponenttien kuten mikrobien entsyymien (esim. Katalaasi, amylaasi, proteaasi, pektinaasi, glukoosi-isomeraasi, sellulaasi, hemisellulaasi, lipaasi, laktaasi, streptokinaasi) ja rekombinanttiproteiinit (esim. Insuliini, hepatiitti B -rokote, interferoni, faktori, streptokinaasi), solut on hajotettava / hajottava fermentaatioprosessin jälkeen halutun proteiinin vapauttamiseksi.
For the production of intracellular components such as microbial enzymes (e.g. catalase, amylase, protease, pectinase, glucose isomerase, cellulase, hemicellulase, lipase, lactase, streptokinase) and recombinant proteins (e.g. insulin, hepatitis B vaccine, interferon, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, streptokinase), the cells have to be lysed / disrupted after the fermentation process to release the desired proteins.
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