Translation for "internet-tietokanta" to english
Translation examples
Kaikkien EU-maiden tuonti- ja vientitilastoja voi poimia veloituksetta Eurostatin internet-tietokannasta.
Import and export statistics of all EU Member States can be obtained free of charge from Eurostat's Internet database.
Koulutuksen tavoitteena erityisesti ohjelmiston hankkiminen insinööritaitoa alalla Internet, tietokannat, verkostot ja tietoturva.
The training aims specifically the acquisition of software engineering skills in the field of the Internet, databases, networks and IT security.
Saman luomiseksi Internet-tietokannassa on useita työkaluja, ja yksi tunnetuimmista on Free Graffiti Maker.
In order to create the same, there are a number of tools available in the internet database and one of the better known ones is the Free Graffiti Maker.
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