Translation for "inspiroi" to english
Translation examples
Inspiroi kaikkia sukupolvia.
Inspiring all generations.
Kuka inspiroi sinua?
Who inspires you?
Mikä inspiroi teitä?
What inspires you?
Ne inspiroi meitä.
They inspired us.
Mahtava ääni inspiroi.
Phenomenal sound is inspirational.
Nordic Master inspiroi
Nordic Master fosters inspiration
Hauskuus inspiroi minua.
Then inspiration struck me.
Hän inspiroi kaikkia ympärillään.
He was an inspiration to everybody else around him.
Hänen kasvonsa inspiroi lukuisia kirjallisia teoksia.
Her visage inspired numerous literary works.
Säveltäjää inspiroi Adolf Böttgerin runo.
The novel's protagonist is inspired by Warren Buffett.
Se kuitenkin mahdollisti ja inspiroi Linuxin ohjelmoinnin aloittamisen.
He complemented and inspired Coltrane's open approach.
TSC:n filosofiaa inspiroi Karl Popperin epistemologia.
The TCS philosophy was inspired by the epistemology of Karl Popper.
Tapaus inspiroi Perssonin kirjoittamaan esikoisromaaninsa Grisfesten (suom.
The prostitution ring affair inspired him to write his first novel, Grisfesten.
Innostunut vastaanotto kuitenkin inspiroi Plantia kirjoittamaan laulun.
The van accident was somewhat of an inspiration for the band's song writing.
Lennonia inspiroi moniin Double Fantasyn kappaleisiin hänen perheensä.
Bolden has inspired a number of fictional characters with his name.
Hänen isänsä inspiroi kappaleen ”Leader of the Band”.
His father would later be the inspiration for the song "Leader of the Band".
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