Translation for "ileumiin" to english
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Täydellisen fistulan avulla napanuoran läpi, ileumin erityksen eritys tapahtuu.
With a complete fistula through the umbilical ring, secretion of the ileum secretion occurs.
Tulehdus ileumin diagnosoitu niiden ulkonäön ja p
Inflammation of the ileum diagnosed by their appearance and condition of the patient after blood tests, urine and feces, as well as using such modern methods of examination like fiberoptic endoscopy.Thus patients often identified changes submucosal layer of the intestine.Such non-specific abnormalities can develop on the background of diffuse polyposis, chronic tonsillitis and functional disorders of the colon.
On jolle tauteja ei ei ole hoito ja samalla, kun se vaikuttaa bowel osana, se esiintyy yleisimmin ileum, joka on osa pieniä suoli ja paksusuoli kaksoispiste.
It is an illness for which there is no cure, and while it can affect any part of the bowel, it occurs most commonly in ileum which is part of the small intestine and the colon in the large intestine.
yli 12 kuukauden ikäisten tai sellaisten lampaiden ja vuohien, joiden ikenistä on puhjennut pysyvä etuhammas, kallo, aivot ja silmät mukaan luettuina, risat (tonsillat) ja selkäydin, sekä kaikenikäisten lampaiden ja vuohien perna ja sykkyräsuoli (ileum).
the skull including the brain and eyes, the tonsils, the spinal chord of ovine and caprine animals aged over 12 months or which have a permanent incisor erupted through the gum, and the spleen and ileum of ovine and caprine animals of all ages.
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