Translation for "ihanne-" to english
Translation examples
Aristokraattinen ihanne oli kalos kagathos, "kaunis ja hyvä".
The culture and the youth were "moulded" to the ideal of kalos kagathos, "beautiful and good."
Hallituksen ihanne maatalousyhteiskunnasta ei kohdannut taloudellisen levinneisyyden todellista tilannetta.
The government ideal of an agrarian society failed to square with the reality of commercial distribution.
Neymar on puhunut uskostaan ​​sanoen: "Elämä on järkevää ainoastaan ​​silloin, kun korkein ihanne on palvella Kristusta!"
Neymar has spoken about his faith saying: "Life only makes sense when our highest ideal is to serve Christ!"
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