Translation for "heverleestä" to english
  • heverlee
  • heverle
Translation examples
Matkustajat, neljä opettajaa ja 46 oppilasta Saint-Lambertuksen (Heverlee, Flanderin Brabant) ja Steksken (Lommel, Limburg) koulusta, olivat kotimatkalla vietettyään muutamia päiviä laskettelukeskuksessa Val d'Anniviersissa Sveitsin Alpeilla.
The passengers, four teachers and 46 pupils from Saint-Lambertus school in Heverlee, Flemish Brabant, and T stekske primary school in Lommel, Limburg, were returning home with two other schools originating from Beersel and Haasrode, Flemish Brabant, they having spent the previous few days at a skiing resort in Val d'Anniviers in the Swiss Alps.
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