Translation for "hemin" to english
Translation examples
Klorofylli ja ihmisen veren hemoglobiinin rakenne on hyvin samanlainen, erilainen vain niiden happea kuljettavien ioni rakenne, keskuksen on hemin raudan ja klorofylli magnesium-ionit.
Chlorophyll and human blood hemoglobin structure is extremely similar, differing only in their oxygen-carrying ion structure of the Centre, is heme iron and chlorophyll is magnesium ions.
Bilirubiini on veren punasolujen hemoglobiinissa olevan hemin hajoamistuote.
Unconjugated bilirubin comes from the breakdown of the heme pigment found in red blood cells' hemoglobin.
Hapetus ja sivuketjun muokkaukset johtavat protoporfyriiniin IX, joka tarvitsee rauta-atomin muodostaakseen hemin.
Oxidation and side-chain modifications lead to the synthesis of protoporphyrin IX, which acquires an iron atom to form heme.
MetHb) on hemoglobiinin muoto, jossa hemoglobiinin hemin sisältämä kahdenarvoinen rauta-ioni (Fe2+) on hapettunut kolmiarvoiseksi rauta-ioniksi (Fe3+).
Methemoglobin (English: methaemoglobin) (pronounced "met-hemoglobin") is a form of metalloprotein hemoglobin, in which the iron in the heme group is in the Fe3+ (ferric) state, not the Fe2+ (ferrous) of normal hemoglobin.
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