Translation for "hanen" to english
Translation examples
Koska torjuitte MINUN rakkaan poikani, ja heititte HANEN pelastavan verensa takaisin hanen kasvoilleen, lahetin hanet pakanoille, nyt lahetan hanet takaisin teille, voi Israel.
Because you rejected MY beloved Son, and threw his saving Blood back in his face, I sent him to the Gentiles, now I send him back to you again oh Yisrael.
Sanoin taman, silla tiesin, etta han oli hyvin varakas mies ja hanen silmansa olivat hanen rikkaudessaan ja vaikka han rakasti MINUA ja totteli MINUN lakejani, hanella oli toinen Jumala ennen MINUA, ja se oli hanen vaurautensa.
I said this for I knew he was a very wealthy man and his eyes were upon his wealth and although he loved ME and obeyed MY laws he had another God before ME and it was his wealth.
Uskoa hanen jokaista sanaansa, ele, lyhyesti ja hymyillen.
To believe his every word, gesture, glance and a smile.
Mutta jos joku johdattaa lankeemukseen yhdenkin naista vahaisista, jotka uskovat minun, hanelle olisi parempi, etta hanen kaulaansa pantaisiin myllynkivi ja hanet upottaisiin meren syvyyteen.
But who so shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it would be better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Hanen toinen merkkittava tyonsa oli 1550-1557 rakennettu Süleymanin moskeija.
His 2nd work during 1550-1557 was the Süleymaniye mosque.
Kun kiellatte YAHUSHUAn, kiellatte yhden omistanne, kiellatte HANEN Isansa, jota kutsutte HaShem ADONAIKSI.
When you deny YAHUSHUA, you deny one of your own, you deny HIS Father whom you call HaShem Adonai.
Han luo sekä hyvän että pahan ja Hanen tahtonsa tapahtuu molemmissa, Raamatun mukaan.
He creates the good, and He creates the evil, and He has His way in both, according to the Scriptures.
Hanen nimensa on Aleksandra, hanen 51 vuotta.
Her name is Marina, her 53 years.
Luonto hanen - on todella kaunis.
The nature her - is truly beautiful.
MINA puhuin hanelle unessa ja kaskin hanen kertoa teille tama: on tullut aika, jolloin on vaarallista asua samassa asunnossa kuin epauskovat.
I spoke to her in her dream
Itkekaa, mita Amerikka ja hanen liittolaisensa nyt tekevat.
Weep for what America and her allies are doing now.
Aitini on paras nainen me keskustelemme hanen kanssaan mitaan ongelmia ja han aina kertoo minulle hyvia neuvoja, olen aina kuunnella hanen mielipiteensa.
My mom is the best woman we are discussing with her any problems and she always tells me good advice, I always listen to her opinion.
Kerron hanelle, etta suhteiden kehittamiseksi menestyksekkaasti ja han on onnellinen meille.
I tell her that our relations develop successfully and she is happy for us.
Muistakaa Deborah, ja kuinka maarasin hanet tuomariksi ja koko Israelin profeetaksi.
Remember Deborah and how I ordained her to be Judge and prophet of all of Yisrael.
En valinnut hanen omaa aviomiestaan, vaikka han istui portilla ja oli Pyha mies.
I chose not her own husband, though he sat at the gate and was a Holy man.
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