Translation for "gilbertiltä" to english
  • gilbert from
  • from gilbert
Translation examples
gilbert from
VR Finlandin tehokkaimmat pisteidentekijät olivat Kallion Sara Gilbert sekä HRD:n Taru Saxelin ja Mia.
VR Finland’s top scorers were Sara Gilbert from Kallio Rolling Rainbow and HRD’s Taru Saxelin and Mia.
from gilbert
saksa ääntämissanakirja: Sanat liittyen aiheeseen male names (sanasta Gilbert sanaan Tobias)
German Pronunciation dictionary: Words related to male names (from Gilbert to Tobias)
Yksin oon tietenkin on alun perin Raymond eli Gilbert O'Sullivanin tekemä laulu "Alone Again (Naturally)".
It also quoted a line from Gilbert O'Sullivan's 1972 hit "Alone Again (Naturally)."
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