Translation for "edunsaajavaltioille" to english
Translation examples
Edunsaajavaltion on sitouduttava noudattamaan 53 artiklan 6 kohdan säännöksiä.
The beneficiary country must undertake to comply with Article 53(6).
Tuote on tuotava suoraan edunsaajavaltiosta EU:hun (ns. suoran kuljetuksen edellytys).
The product must be imported directly from the beneficiary country to the EU (so-called condition of direct transport).
45. pyytää komissiota toteuttamaan yleisen tullietuusjärjestelmän (GSP) ja erityisesti GSP+-järjestelmän säännöllisen seurannan ja jatkamaan kertomuksen julkaisemista kahden vuoden välein; pyytää komissiota tehostamaan toimintaansa edunsaajavaltioiden, Euroopan ulkosuhd
45. Calls on the Commission systematically monitor the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), particularly the GSP+, and to continue publishing reports every two years; calls on the Commission to work harder with beneficiary countries, the EEAS, the Union delegations, Member States' diplomatic missions, international organisations, companies, the social partners and civil society in order to improve its information gathering and provide more in-depth analysis of the monitoring exercise so that the implementation of all aspects of the system can be clearly evaluated; stresses that the effectiveness of the GSP rests on the ability of the Commission to monitor and implement the provisions of the legislation in cases of failure to implement international labour or environmental conventions;
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