Translation for "droghedassa" to english
Translation examples
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Kaupungin jalkapallojoukkue on Drogheda United FC.
Drogheda United FC.
UEFA Cup: HJK hävisi ensimmäisellä karsintakierroksella irlantilaiselle Drogheda Unitedille.
Malmö FF were drawn against Irish club Drogheda United in the first qualifying round.
Irlannin vastarinta murskattiin säälimättömästi ja Droghedassa ja Wexfordissa tehtiin joukkomurhat.
Secondly, the effects of the severe measures adopted at Drogheda and at Wexford were mixed.
Kaudeksi 2007 Vilmunen siirtyi irlantilaiseen Drogheda Unitediin, jossa hän voitti Irlannin mestaruuden.
The League of Ireland in 2007 was won by Drogheda United—their first ever league championship.
Liberstas hävisi irlantilaiselle Drogheda Unitedille yhteismaalein 4–1 pelaten kotonaan 1–1 tasapelin.
However, they lost by a 1–4 aggregate to Drogheda United from Ireland in the next round.
Colin O’Donoghue syntyi ja varttui katolilaisessa perheessä Droghedassa, Louthin kreivikunnassa.
Colin O'Donoghue is the son of Con and Mary O'Donoghue, was born and raised in Drogheda, County Louth, in a Roman Catholic family.
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