Translation for "diesterit" to english
Translation examples
Laktidi on syklinen diesteri, joka on peräisin fermentoidusta kasvitärkkelyksestä (esim.
Lactide is a cyclic diester, which is derived from fermented plant starch (e.g.
Tämä vaikutus on käytetty monissa prosesseissa, kuten kasviöljyjen biodieselin tai synteesiä polyestereiden, että transesteröinti diesterit diolien muodostamiseksi makromolekyyleihin. Emulgointikoe / Emulgointi
This effect is used in many processes, such as the transesterification of vegetable oils to biodiesel or the synthesis of polyesters by the transesterification of diesters with diols to form macromolecules.
Dieckmann-kondensaatio on kemiallinen reaktio, jossa diesteri reagoi molekyylinsisäisesti muodostaen rengasrakenteisen β-ketoesterin.
The Dieckmann condensation is the intramolecular chemical reaction of diesters with base to give β-keto esters.
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