Translation for "demagogiaa" to english
Translation examples
Itämainen monarkia (ykseyden tila, vapauden tukahduttaminen), kreikkalainen demokratia (laajentumisen tila, jossa vapaus on menetetty epävakaalle demagogialle), ja kristillinen perustuslaillinen monarkia (joka edustaa vapauden jälleenliittämistä perustuslailliseen hallintoon).
Thus the widest view of history reveals three most important stages of development: Oriental imperial (the stage of oneness, of suppression of freedom) Greek social democracy (the stage of expansion, in which freedom was lost in unstable demagogy) Christian constitutional monarchy (which represents the reintegration of freedom in constitutional government) Even in the State, mind is limited by subjection to other minds.
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